Friday, July 18, 2008

Wait, I Might Miss Eugene??

So on Wednesday night, after softball, I joined the Fender family for dinner at Turtle's.  A couple people ordered appetizers - a smoked salmon plate and cajun fried oysters.  Granted, I was starving, but the dishes looked and smelled amazingly delicious.  I started thinking that next time I come to Turtle's, I am definitely going to have to get at least one of those.  And then suddenly it dawned on me that this might be my last time at Turtle's.  Because I am leaving Eugene for good in less than 2 weeks!  

I've been wanting to leave Eugene pretty much since I arrived 3 years ago.  Its not like Eugene is a bad place, its just not the right place for me.  This would be because I am not an aging hippie or a member of the undergrad army of mini skirt and Ugg-clad girls.  In all honesty, Eugene is much more than that, but living here has really just been a means to an end.  And now that end is about to be realized.  And I get to go to Portland.  And I'm sad?

I've had some great times in Eugene.  I honestly enjoyed law school, and I'm not even talking about the parts where I got to drink.  Basically, studying the law rulez (where I'm from, words end in "z."  503 represent!).  I am not even kidding.  I've also met some great people.  And have had some "good times," which is code for "crazy nights," which is code for "had lots of headaches the morning after helping the Eugene economy by purchasing beverages and hot dogs with cheese and bacon bits on the street."  

The following is a list of things that have made the past 3 years stuck in Eugene suprisingly not that horrible:

The JELL office (not the OLR office, even though I was a member and had my own desk.  The lighting in there possibly caused my left eye to get all the way to a -7.0)


Eugene Parks

My peeps

Cafe Yumm

Hot Dog Cart

Kegs at the law school (economically speaking, it was always the best deal in town)

MOC (also known as "The Cake Store")

There's more (yes, I know, crazy), but I have to get to sleep.  Tomorrow I am going to attempt to run in the am and then stay at school all day and learn crap.  My treat will be a movie.  And maybe popcorn!  Its too bad I don't know Braille, because then I could make Braille flashcards and bring them to the movie and watch it and feel the bumps and study!  

In other news, there might be a former Duck football player named Donald spending the night in the law school tonight.  I went into the student lounge to print some outlinez (I'm street), and there was this guy in there  watching tv who proceeded to ask me a bunch of questions about when the building closed and what happened when the building closed.  I made the mistake of telling him once you are in, you are in.  No one kicks you out.  A little while later, Erin went to the courtyard and this guy was out there smoking a joint.  He started questioning her about her late nights at the law school and whether or not she had ever slept there.  I hope he has a blanket because the air conditioning is only seems to have an "ice cold" setting.


True_Thought said...

LOL on the part where you could feel the bumps (official terminology) and still study.

iSnack2 said...

you forgot sweet life and the indian buffet!!