Monday, June 16, 2008

I have recovered

So I have officially recovered from last night's Sorbet Disaster.  Which is good because I had a lot of stuff to do today and thus did not need to be additionally burdened by stomach cramps.  This morning I attended class, got bored, ate lunch outside, got red, outlined torts, got bored, went to Jiffy Lube, possibly got cheated, drove over to DQ, got giant cone and felt sick and then attempted to write an MPT, but eventually decided that that simply was not my best plan.  Because it was boring.  The problem semi-involved science (well kind of.  Actually not really, but it seemed like it could), so I decided to skip the pain and go running.

My life really is not interesting.  This blog might be a bad idea.  Its going to be really sad if I have to purposefully create events like Sorbet Disaster just so I have something to write about.


EmilyDF said...

Well Abra, I am excited about your blog, and I love that it is called "Sexy Wolf". Have you read the "Twilight" series? something to look forward to after the Bar. In these books some people turn into vampires, and some turn into wolves. And they are definitely sexy wolves.

The Hidden Curriculum said...

What's the difference between sorbet and gelato and ice cream? So confusing! Well...I hope your disaster has passed.
Can't wait to frequent the new blog. It will go in my morning website scan rotation.
I emailed you a possible blog entry topic.
See you this weekend!

PS I am curious to see what Emily is talking about. Vampires? Wolves?

Brian said...

Sorbet Disaster could be our new indie rock band.