Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I am possibly bipolar and might need meds

Studying for the bar is turning me into a crazy person.  I've never been very moody, but with this studying nonsense, I am up and down all day.  I wake up and I am depressed thinking about class.  During class, my mood usually perks up, especially if I decide to get a donut (by the way, starting tomorrow Nike will be supplying us with free muffins and donuts in exchange for taking over practically our entire building for the track trials!  So pumped!).  I usually am ok through lunch, because I am eating and food makes me happy.  But then I start outlining whatever subject we were force fed during class and my mood quickly plummets.  Especially since the amount of emails I used to get and would use as excuse for multiple study breaks has significantly decreased.  After outlining, I am up again and usually feel a sense of accomplishment.  This disappears when I start failing essays and problem sets, unless I am working in the JELL office where all the inappropriateness distracts me from my dismal performances.  After studying, I go running, often with Natasha, and what with the sun and the endorphins or whatever, I am once again a happy, normal human being.  Actually, I'm usually pretty happy after running too, not because of any sort of adrenaline rush, but because the only studying I do according to my self-created schedule is done in front of the tv and involves only multiple choice sets (preferable to essays) and flash card making(always a crowd pleaser).  Right now I'm watching Sex and the City and rehydrating post-run, while making flashcards.  So I'm happy.  Until 8 am tomorrow when the cycle repeats itself.

In other news, I broke my vow in Portland on Friday night.  But this weekend was pre-excused because of my mom's 60th bday bash (if we are going to be technical, I broke it the night before the party, and actually was pretty good at the party on Saturday, but whatever).  The best part of the party was the fact that there was a dj and my new most prized possession is the 30 second video I took of my mom dancing.   She has some unique moves. 

Tomorrow I have my second softball game as an outfielder for the Forrest Paint...I'm actually not sure what the mascot is.  I guess the team is just Forrest Paint.  My friend Fender, after hearing about my amazing softball skills (Sunrise Little League Allstar 1990 and 1991), invited me to join his dad's company's team.  Or maybe he just let me join because they were short on players.  Whatever.  The point is that there is a game tomorrow which gives me something more to look forward to than mindless tv and flashcards.  I predict victory.


zandra said...

softball is scary. those balls hurt when they hit you, and i'm pretty much totally incapable of hitting or catching them. therefore i've deemed it a dumb sport.

p.s. as a doctor, i'm pretty sure you aren't bipolar. that's my free medical advice of the day -- i'm charging you for the next one.

Emily said...

That sounds like my days, except take away running with Natasha and add in going to Jazzercise-like classes at the gym (which are hilarious by the way) and inappropriate Jell office shenanegans (sp?) with watching the real crazies at Starbucks who cycle in and out all day ordering raspberry water (which I'm assuming is free) while either screaming obsenities, dancing to the Starbucks salsa mix, or taking their teeth out at the table before eating their pumpkin loaf. It's quite a trip.

Selene said...

Hey ya,
I love hearing about your life again. You make me smile, and sometimes I laugh a little out loud, but not in jest. It is always because you're funny and I love your narration of your life! x